Thursday, August 21, 2008

How to Upload Photos from iPhoto to Shutterfly

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The first step in making a photo book on Shutterfly is to upload your photos. This can be a long, painful process but here is one method for uploading photos from iPhoto to Shutterfly that I have found to be fairly easy and efficient. Go to the Shutterfly website and use the search bar on the upper right of the screen and type “upload photos Mac.” Select the option described as "Free Software, Upload Features for Mac". You’ll come to an option to download software onto your computer described as "Upload from your iPhoto software" and you'll select "Download now". After restarting your computer, you should see Shutterfly as one of the options in the top of the Export box (under the "File" drop down menu). Click here to log onto Shutterfly.

You can go through your photos and select the photos you want to export. To upload more than one at a time, hold down the command key while you select photos. After you’ve selected the photos you want, select “File” and “Export” on the top menu, select “Shutterfly”, type in the album name and follow the remaining prompts.

You can also collect your favorite photos into an album and upload them as a group. To create an album, select the plus sign at the bottom left of iPhoto. Choose to make an album or a Smart album. For an album, you simply drag and drop your favorite photos into it. For a Smart album, you can set up criteria for which photos will be included. Select the Album (listed in the left-hand column) and select “File” and “Export” at the top menu. You can select “Shutterfly” at the top and follow the prompts until you're ready to select "upload." Now you can walk away and do something else while your photos get uploaded to Shutterfly. After the upload is finished, you get to do all the fun work of creating your photo book.


Live.Love.Eat said...

Hey there! I was researching the best ways to upload iPhotos and came across this helpful post. Do you think Shutterfly is faster than Kodak. We downloaded the free Kodak software and tested/exported just 8 photos today and it was still slow, as if I was doing it one by one. I am at a loss and really need the quickest way since I will have hundreds of photos.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your detailed explanation! After a couple of hours of frustration loading a dozen photos onto Shutterfly, I downloaded their iphoto software (as per your explanation) and within minutes uploaded my photos.
Great work!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your post. I used google to try and find some help after already downloading the shutterfly app, but still not sure how to use it. Your step by step guidance made it easy cheesy. :)

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